Downtown Borrego Springs

Downtown Borrego Springs
Borrego Springs, CA Mainstreet

Friday, December 21, 2012

A Return to Simpler Times / Big Brother Turns 60!

We celebrated my brother's 60th birthday with family in Borrego Springs - enjoying the sun, a little golf and our huge, warm swimming pool!  Our time together in Borrego, a place that seems at least 30 years "removed", brought back memories of my brother and my childhood vacations together.  

We grew up in the 60's in the average American family of four with a Teamster Union dad, a stay-at-home mom, one car, a collie named Bingo and a "party" line. 

We didn't have much, but each year we went on a road trip in my dad's big Buick from Seattle to Reno, Nevada.  It was Mom and Dad's pilgrimage to play Keno, but more importantly, an opportunity for my Dad to fill the trunk of the car with cases and cases of cheap Nevada bourbon. 

In fact, my dad bought his cars based on trunk size and the first thing he would do when showing off a new car was pop the trunk.  I can picture my dad studying the trunk dimensions to come up with an arrangement that would allow him to bring home 11 cases of Ten High bourbon rather than 10 cases.

The Reno Motel 6 was our home away from home.  And yes, it cost $6 a night to stay in a Motel 6 in those days.  


To hold costs down further, mom brought the electric fry pan and most of our dinners were prepared and eaten in our room.  Did you know you can prepare a pork chop, baked potato and green bean dinner for four in an electric fry pan?

As soon as we checked in, my brother would dive under the coin operated vibrating Magic Fingers beds to rig a bypass of the coin slots so we received unlimited free vibration during our entire stay.

Spending hours in a Motel 6 swimming pool with mom and dad lounging on the patio was our little piece of heaven.

Spending time in Borrego Springs takes me back to those simpler times.  I love it!

We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have. -  Frederick Keonig